
Varietal Honey
The floral source of honey determines its colour and flavour. Sample our different varieties:
Summer Flower, Autumn Blossom, Basswood and Buckwheat.
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Autumn Blossom
A rich honey with caramel overtones, collected by our hardworking bees during warm fall days from goldenrod and wild aster.
A light, crisp honey with a hint of mint harvested by the bees from the delicate clusters of white flowers of our native basswood trees that bloom in early July.

A light, crisp honey with a hint of mint harvested by the bees from the delicate clusters of white flowers of our native basswood trees that bloom in early July.

Buckwheat is a dark amber honey with a robust earthy flavour. Once common in Ontario, this is a rare treat as not many farmers plant buckwheat. It was commonly used as a green manure in the past.
Summer Flower
Our mildest honey with a delicate floral flavour. The bees visit clover, alfalfa and summer wildflowers to produce this light honey.

Summer Flower
Our mildest honey with a delicate floral flavour. The bees visit clover, alfalfa and summer wildflowers to produce this light honey.

Our raw Summer Flower honey unpasteurized and unfiltered. Available. Liquid when freshly extracted in August and September and in its naturally creamed form the remainder of the year. The only thing more natural is our comb honey!
A TASTE of Honey
All our honey is unpasteurized. Our Ontario No. 1 honey is warmed gently and gravity strained through a screen cloth to remove beeswax and other particles. Our raw honey unfiltered but double settled then bottled. The only thing more natural is our comb honey, straight from the beehive.
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777998 Hwy 10
Chatsworth, ON
N0H 1G0
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(519) 794-3335